N43020 is a PA28-151 with the RAM 160HP conversion. It is a 1974 model with very nice paint and interior. It is a four place aircraft with an intercom to all seats. It has a useful load of about 890 pounds. It cruises at about 120 mph and has about a 5-6 hour range with full tanks. This aircraft also has wing tip strobes and RMD wing tips with landing lights.
In this panel you will find an IFR certified Garmin GNS 430WAAS. It is certified for enroute and approach with a full US IFR database. A King KX155 with vor/glideslope. It also has a King KMA24 audio panel with marker beacon reciever, a Garmin 330ES transponder with traffic. This aircraft is 2020 ADS-B Compliant. It has dual PTT’s mounted in the control yokes and a hand held mic. The instruments are in the standard T configuration.