N4627F is a 1977 PA28-151 model. It is a four place aircraft with an intercom to all seats. It has a useful load of about 880 pounds. It will cruise at about 115kts and has a range of about 5-6 hours. It has wing tip strobes.
In this panel you will find an IFR certified Garmin GNS 430WAAS. It is certified for enroute and approach with a full US IFR database. A King KX155 with vor/glideslope. It also has a King KMA24 audio panel with marker beacon reciever, a Garmin 330ES transponder with traffic. This aircraft is 2020 ADS-B Compliant. It has dual PTT’s mounted in the control yokes and a hand held mic. The instruments are in the standard T configuration.